Chris Desrochers
@chrisdesrochers on, @Chris Desrochers on Slack
- Member Since: February 21st, 2013
- Location: Dallas, TX
- Website:
- GitHub: chrisdesrochers
- Job Title: Founder
- Employer: LMHO Holdings
Contribution History
Chris Desrochers’s badges:- Core Contributor
Mentioned in [56716] on Core SVN:
Bundled Themes: Import Twenty Twenty-Four, the new default theme for WordPress 6.4. -
Pull request #28 merged into WordPress/twentytwentyfour:
Added Left Aligned Call To Action with Image Pattern -
Submitted pull request #28 to WordPress/twentytwentyfour:
Added Left Aligned Call To Action with Image Pattern -
Wrote a comment on the post In-Browser WordPress Tech Demos: WordPress Development with WordPress Playground, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Super cool to see how far this has come. Thanks for sharing @zieladam.