@chichi2015 on
- Member Since: January 20th, 2019
Contribution History
chichi2015’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Click fraud protection not working for ads showing in multple place, on the site Forums:
I noticed that the click fraud protection/max ad click… -
Created a topic, How to detect who clicks when?, on the site Forums:
Thank you for the excellent plugin. Recently I got som… -
Posted a reply to Suggesting feature, on the site Forums:
I'll show a usecase. Currently I use the plugin for hiding all the infrequently used… -
Created a topic, Suggesting feature, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this nice plugin. This is just a suggest… -
Posted a reply to learndash focus mode shows both wpDiscuz and standard wordpress comment form, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for your instant answer. It works! -
Created a topic, learndash focus mode shows both wpDiscuz and standard wordpress comment form, on the site Forums:
Hello! Thank you for this excellent plugin. I currentl… -
Created a topic, Lock category, on the site Forums:
Hello, I've been using this plugin for a while. The ba… -
Posted a reply to Get JS error on save in Gutenberg editor, on the site Forums:
For anyone who's facing this problem. I had the same issue the last two days.… -
Created a topic, Cannot load, on the site Forums:
Hello! Recently I notice that the browser takes longer… -
Posted a reply to Error on update, on the site Forums:
Same here! Please fix that ASAP. Thank you! -
Posted a reply to The 1.2.8 update breaks the post editor, on the site Forums:
Hello, please check your plugin. It seems to break the WordPress editor again. I'm using… -
Posted a reply to Gutenberg on WordPress 5.3 breaks featured images, on the site Forums:
I'm facing the same error. Whenevery a feature image is set, the editor breaks and… -
Posted a reply to after 5.3 update, editing problems, on the site Forums:
Sorry for additional report here but I also get error after update to 5.3, in… -
Posted a reply to About the reset password form, on the site Forums:
For your information: The conflict with Popup Maker was report before: -
Posted a reply to About the reset password form, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your suggestion. It's a bit hard to perform conflict test on a… -
Created a topic, About the reset password form, on the site Forums:
Hello! Recently I'm facing a strange issue with the r… -
Posted a reply to The 1.2.8 update breaks the post editor, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your quick response but it does not seem to be fixed yet. Please… -
Created a topic, The 1.2.8 update breaks the post editor, on the site Forums:
Hello, Today I updated the plugin to 1.2.8 but the po… -
Posted a reply to The best tag cloud, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much! Long waiting feature finally came! -
Created a topic, The best ToC plugin, on the site Forums:
I've tried many Toc plugin before finding this one. An… -
Created a topic, About the control placement, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this very nice plugin. I've started usin… -
Created a topic, The best tag cloud, on the site Forums:
I've been using this tag cloud as a secondary navigati… -
Posted a reply to Can I show multiple taxonomy on a single widget (or with shortcode), on the site Forums:
Great! I'm waiting for that. -
Created a topic, Can I show multiple taxonomy on a single widget (or with shortcode), on the site Forums:
Thank you for this great plugin. The plugin shows one … -
Posted a reply to Compatibility with wordpress 5.2.2, on the site Forums:
This line causes the issue: Uncaught TypeError: deactivatedBlocks.forEach is not a function at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ( -
Created a topic, Compatibility with wordpress 5.2.2, on the site Forums:
Please check if your plugin is compatible with the wor… -
Posted a reply to Insert ad before first h2 and last h2 tag, on the site Forums:
Now everything is perfect! Here you go -
Created a topic, The best ads manager, on the site Forums:
I've tried several ads manager before but none of them… -
Posted a reply to Insert ad before first h2 and last h2 tag, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much! It works! I should have read the documentation before posting here.… -
Created a topic, Insert ad before first h2 and last h2 tag, on the site Forums:
Hello, could anyone help me with this: I want to inser… -
Posted a reply to Purchase page does not enroll student, on the site Forums:
Sorry for the false report. It's my fault. I made some changes in the checkout… -
Created a topic, Purchase page does not enroll student, on the site Forums:
Excuse me! Does anyone have this issue: if the studen… -
Posted a reply to The Importer not working, on the site Forums:
Sorry for false report. It's a plugin conflict. Again, thanks for that great plugin! -
Created a topic, The Importer not working, on the site Forums:
Hello again, I'm trying to import a course (json file… -
Posted a reply to Student cannot enroll after updating to version 3.29.2, on the site Forums:
Thank you! It works! -
Created a topic, Student cannot enroll after updating to version 3.29.2, on the site Forums:
Hello! Thank you for this great plugin. I'm having a … -
Created a topic, Issue with the latest wordpress 5.1, on the site Forums:
Hello! After updating wordpress to 5.1, the plugin se… -
Posted a reply to Summary block error when reloading post, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much! It fixed. -
Created a topic, Summary block error when reloading post, on the site Forums:
Hello! First, thanks for this great plugin. I heavily …