
  • Member Since: January 27th, 2016
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  • Created a topic, Pagination disappear in my website, on the site Forums:
    Hello maybe is my error or maybe not but i use a simpe…

  • Created a topic, Clean out cache stop working, on the site Forums:
    Hello, After I update WordPress the Clean out cache …

  • Posted a reply to Theme edit error after install plug in, on the site Forums:
    Hello thank you for you attention this is the error in console no error on…

  • Posted a reply to Theme edit error after install plug in, on the site Forums:
    this error appear after install the country blocker plugin and trying to edit my theme.…

  • Created a topic, Can the plug in block a city?, on the site Forums:
    Can the plug in block a city in the usa? thank Yo…

  • Created a topic, Theme edit error after install plug in, on the site Forums:
    Theme edit error after install plug in.