Ngan Tengyuen
@calvin_ngan on
- Member Since: October 24th, 2005
- Website:
Contribution History
Ngan Tengyuen’s badges:- Core Contributor
Mentioned in [47937] on Core SVN:
Canonical: Ensure a redirect for posts missing `postname` in a query with an ID. -
Created a topic, Media & attachment URLs Not Working / Redirecting, on the site Forums:
When the 'Media & attachment URLs' is set to 'Yes'… -
Created a topic, CDN doesn’t load gif, on the site Forums:
Hi, for some unknown reason, the lazy_placeholder.gif … -
Posted a reply to YOU’RE BACK!!!, on the site Forums:
Glad that it is back, I hope they can include the 'Inline Related Posts' feature… -
Posted a reply to Persistent object cache, on the site Forums:
Have the admin seen the thumbnail for the poster? A photo of a naked girl. -
Created a topic, Full Width Ads [ Suggestion ], on the site Forums:
can the plugin introduce a feature where the div or cl… -
Created a topic, Display Widget Inserted Spammy Links????, on the site Forums:
I found out a hidden article created by Display Widget… -
Created ticket #41414 on Core Trac:
Display Widgets Plugin Is A Trojan Horse -
Closed ticket #12456 on Core Trac:
Canonical URL redirect issue with post_id/postname permalink structure -
Created ticket #28781 on Core Trac:
redirect issue with post_id/postname or postname/post_id permalink ... -
Committed [733049] to Plugins SVN:
minor text error -
Committed [733047] to Plugins SVN:
fix unable to save error -
Committed [731495] to Plugins SVN:
text error edit -
Committed [731490] to Plugins SVN:
bugs, folder renamed -
Committed [731384] to Plugins SVN:
modify readme.txt and added 4 screenshots -
Committed [731371] to Plugins SVN:
uploading plugin for the first time -
Committed [731369] to Plugins SVN:
uploading banner