@bradyholt on
- Member Since: June 14th, 2011
Contribution History
brady.holt’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [558772] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558771] to Plugins SVN:
fixing window jump bug -
Committed [558206] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558205] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558204] to Plugins SVN:
fix syntax error -
Committed [558202] to Plugins SVN:
correcting version numbers -
Committed [558194] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558192] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558190] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558189] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558188] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [558187] to Plugins SVN:
upgrading to version 1.2 -
Committed [509382] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509381] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509378] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509346] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509343] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509214] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509213] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509210] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509206] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509201] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509200] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [509195] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [508959] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [508957] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [508956] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [508954] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [508950] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [508949] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit
jQuery googleslides
Active Installs: 20+