@boomerangz on
- Member Since: May 15th, 2018
Contribution History
BooMeranGz’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to “Customize Design” does not work completely, on the site Forums:
@kaganvmz Thank you very much, I will be attentive to the update. Saludos. -
Created a topic, Stripe Payments, on the site Forums:
Hi, I've been using your plugin for 2 years, but I see… -
Created a topic, “Customize Design” does not work completely, on the site Forums:
Hi, Could you please check the plugin? In the "Cost… -
Posted a reply to Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much @qriouslad I will be waiting for the next updates. Saludos. -
Posted a reply to Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
Perfect!, I have modified those fragments and it works very well, even sending to Gmail,… -
Posted a reply to Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
Thanks for taking care of it. I made the change.ASE now allows sending. But they… -
Posted a reply to Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
Ok, it's strange, since it's a workspace option to make forwarding more comfortable or easier… -
Posted a reply to Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
Hi, Yes, for the moment I will use Fluent. But I would like you to… -
Created a topic, Es excelente este complemento, on the site Forums:
I started using it a couple of months ago to give temp… -
Posted a reply to Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
That documentation is correct, but not for this case. Google Workspace allows you to use… -
Created a topic, Problem with SMTP to use Google WorkSpace, on the site Forums:
Hi, We have configured WorkSpace to be able to use … -
Posted a reply to I can’t create an account on, on the site Forums:
I agree with the blocked clients, the worst thing is that they are blocked and… -
Posted a reply to I can’t create an account on, on the site Forums:
Hello, They are not going to solve it for you.The only way I found was… -
Posted a reply to 2 tiendas separadas, pero que usen/compartan los mismos usuarios registrados, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @kallookoo Gracias por tu ayuda. La idea es que el registro se haga siempre… -
Created a topic, 2 tiendas separadas, pero que usen/compartan los mismos usuarios registrados, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola amigos, posiblemente sea para plantearlo en WooCo… -
Posted a reply to How to completely replace a website with a restore?, on the site Forums:
Hi @renehermi , I've tested the standalone installer on a client's web system with WP-Staging… -
Posted a reply to How to completely replace a website with a restore?, on the site Forums:
Hi @renehermi But wp-config.php is editable and configurable by the user, and usually each configuration… -
Posted a reply to Number of WC customers other than registered customers, on the site Forums:
Hi @shameemreza Of course, I understand then, my auction system requires the user to have… -
Posted a reply to How to completely replace a website with a restore?, on the site Forums:
Hi @fayyazfayzi I understand that the second answer is valid. So finally, according to what… -
Posted a reply to Number of WC customers other than registered customers, on the site Forums:
Hi @doublezed2, I understand, my site is an auction site. The customer makes offers, but… -
Posted a reply to Number of WC customers other than registered customers, on the site Forums:
Hi @doublezed2 Please complete and copy the following urls... WooCommerce Thanks. -
Created a topic, Number of WC customers other than registered customers, on the site Forums:
Hello, Why can't I see all my registered users in t… -
Created a topic, How to completely replace a website with a restore?, on the site Forums:
Hi, When I want to restore a backup of my website, … -
Posted a reply to I can’t create an account on, on the site Forums:
Hi @wfpeter, Send 2 email addresses as you indicated. but no one has responded. I still… -
Posted a reply to I can’t create an account on, on the site Forums:
Hi @wfpeter, As requested, I sent 2 emails, both are my addresses with which I… -
Posted a reply to I can’t create an account on, on the site Forums:
Hi @wfpeter, I don't understand what you mean by graylisting my emails?Could you be more… -
Created a topic, I can’t create an account on, on the site Forums:
Hi, I try to create an account on but… -
Posted a reply to No aparece mas el submenu CLIENTES en WooCommerce (desktop), on the site Foros de soporte:
Ya encontré la solucion en este post: -
Posted a reply to [Clearfy Cache – WordPress optimization plugin, Minify HTML, CSS & JS, Defer] WordfenceScan – security vulnerability, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have the same notice, and increased attacks on the site, so I had… -
Created a topic, No aparece mas el submenu CLIENTES en WooCommerce (desktop), on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Hace un buen tiempo que no me aparece mas el … -
Posted a reply to Menu no longer appears in “Appearance” > “Customize”, on the site Forums:
Thank you. The problem was another plugin (FDP) that made that option disappear. Saludos. -
Created a topic, Tienda y Subastas en un mismo WordPress con métdos de cobranza diferentes, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, estoy necesitando ayuda para resolver lo siguien… -
Posted a reply to Start of sessions of registered users., on the site Forums:
Hi, Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Saludos. -
Created a topic, Start of sessions of registered users., on the site Forums:
Hello, WF sends us emails when a registered user of… -
Created a topic, Manually extract content from “file.wpstg”, on the site Forums:
Hello, I want to know how I can manually extract the c… -
Posted a reply to How to install copy “.daf” manually?, on the site Forums:
Hello, Thanks for your answer. Yes I have tried with installer.php, but I want to… -
Created a topic, How to install copy “.daf” manually=?, on the site Forums:
Que me esta faltad Hello, Since installations wi… -
Created a topic, DB restoration is excessively slow., on the site Forums:
I have been using Duplicator for almost 2 years. My… -
Created a topic, DB restoration is excessively slow, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have been using Duplicator for almost 2 years. … -
Created a topic, Menu no longer appears in “Appearance” > “Customize”, on the site Forums:
Hello, Has this plugin no longer been supported?The… -
Posted a reply to No aparecen Menus Categorias ni Etiquetas, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @yordansoares, Habia desactivado los demas plugins, limpiado cache de navegador, y cargado en otros… -
Created a topic, No aparecen Menus Categorias ni Etiquetas, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, No aparecen Categorias ni Etiquetas en el men… -
Posted a reply to Modify colors (background), on the site Forums:
Hello, What do you mean by "Advanced settings?", the ""Customize Styles" section? In the "Customize… -
Created a topic, Modify colors (background), on the site Forums:
Hello, I can choose from 15 palette options (combin… -
Posted a reply to Block User Account Option, on the site Forums:
Hello @qriouslad, Is there a chance that this functionality will exist at some point in… -
Posted a reply to Problem with “Change Login URL” and “Redirect After Logout”, on the site Forums:
Hello @qriouslad, Will this feature be compatible with multi-language slugs with WPML in the Pro… -
Posted a reply to “Limit Login Attempts”, unlock manually, on the site Forums:
Hello @qriouslad , Will this feature be available in the Pro version at some point?… -
Posted a reply to Check SMTP by sending an email, on the site Forums:
I sent you my data, using the "Get in touch" button form -
Posted a reply to Check SMTP by sending an email, on the site Forums:
Hello @qriouslad, I am interested in reviewing a PRO version, but I would like to… -
Created a topic, Add the code to the functions.php file, on the site Forums:
Hello, This plugin is very good, and it makes acces…