@blaccspotmedia on
- Member Since: September 6th, 2011
- Location: Atlanta, Ga
- Website:
- Employer: Blacc Spot Meida, Inc
Contribution History
blaccspotmedia’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [979518] to Plugins SVN:
[update] - added asset icons -
Committed [941036] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - added vidtok -
Committed [940468] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - remove plugin -
Committed [940467] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - remove plugin -
Committed [940464] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - remove plugin -
Committed [940462] to Plugins SVN:
[update] - remove plugin -
Committed [940460] to Plugins SVN:
[update] - remove plugin -
Committed [940459] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - remove plugin -
Committed [939658] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - remove until ready to go live -
Committed [939373] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [939371] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [939370] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt and vidtok.php -
Committed [939369] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - added banner-772x250.png -
Committed [939368] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt and added screenshots -
Committed [939361] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [939354] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [939352] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [939348] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [939342] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Released a new plugin, Vidtok
Committed [939340] to Plugins SVN:
[add] - upload vidtok plugin -
Committed [778619] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] -
Committed [778618] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] -
Committed [778617] to Plugins SVN:
[update] -
Committed [778616] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [778615] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] -
Committed [778614] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] -
Committed [778613] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] -
Committed [778612] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - bug fixes -
Committed [778611] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - vidtok-vid-one.php -
Committed [778610] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [778609] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - bug fixes and improvements -
Committed [748952] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - updated plugin so you dont have to use the widget.php -
Committed [748862] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - jquery version anything less than 1.8.3 -
Committed [748858] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - jquery version for anything less than 1.9.1 -
Committed [748799] to Plugins SVN:
[deleted] - init.php -
Committed [748797] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - widgets.php when not activate, not to load js -
Committed [748790] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - options.php to allow use of allow_fopen or curl to get account ... -
Committed [748783] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - widget.php load script directory error -
Committed [748637] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [748635] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [748632] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [748628] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - plugins banner-772x250.png -
Committed [748627] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - plugin banner-772x250.png -
Committed [748626] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - plugin banner-772x250.png -
Committed [748625] to Plugins SVN:
[added] - plugin banner-772x250.png -
Committed [748616] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [748614] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt [added] - screenshots -
Committed [748613] to Plugins SVN:
[updated] - readme.txt -
Committed [748611] to Plugins SVN:
vid{one} - Initial Release - 7.31.2013 2:07 AM Eastern
Vidtok Live Video Chat using WebRTC
Active Installs: 10+