
  • Member Since: April 29th, 2024
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  • Created a topic, Could this send the number of pages into a value?, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I have been trying to count the number of pages…

  • Posted a reply to Calculation doubt, on the site Forums:
    Hello! No problem for taking long. The plan is for the user to just send…

  • Posted a reply to Widgets bugged, on the site Forums:
    By the way, I'm using a Blocksy Child Theme and Elementor on some pages

  • Created a topic, Widgets bugged, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I am trying to edit and add more widgets to my …

  • Created a topic, Dinamic pricing with quantity, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I am currently an intern making a online printi…

  • Posted a reply to Counting the pages a file has after user uploads, on the site Forums:
    Still trying to implement it, but thank you alot for the guideance!

  • Created a topic, Dinamic pricing with quantity, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I am currently an intern making a online printi…

  • Created a topic, Key features behind paywalls, on the site Forums:
    Not being able to do quantity basec pricing kinda ruin…

  • Posted a reply to Calculation doubt, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thanks for the answer. However, do you know if this is possible in…

  • Created a topic, Calculation doubt, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I am currently building a online printing shop …

  • Posted a reply to Counting the pages a file has after user uploads, on the site Forums:
    Yes, it is about counter the number of pages a single pdf that a user…

  • Created a topic, Counting the pages a file has after user uploads, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I am using a plugin (forminator, irelevant to t…

  • Posted a reply to File upload to count the pages, on the site Forums:
    Okay, thanks. However, isn't there some external way to do it? Like using FDPI or…

  • Created a topic, File upload to count the pages, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I've been trying to make the file upload field …

  • Created a topic, File upload, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I would like to know how to make the upload fil…