Committed [1435348] to Plugins SVN:
modified banner -
Committed [1435345] to Plugins SVN:
edited banner -
Committed [1435343] to Plugins SVN:
edited banner -
Committed [1435318] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot-1 edited -
Committed [1435309] to Plugins SVN:
Updating Development version cum trunk folder -
Committed [1435307] to Plugins SVN:
dev version add -
Committed [1435306] to Plugins SVN:
development version add -
Committed [1435304] to Plugins SVN:
adding development vereiosn -
Committed [1435289] to Plugins SVN:
editing readme -
Committed [1435282] to Plugins SVN:
Removed Screenshots -
Committed [1435223] to Plugins SVN:
edited -
Committed [1435219] to Plugins SVN:
updating tags folder -
Committed [1435217] to Plugins SVN:
updating -
Committed [1435216] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot added -
Committed [1435215] to Plugins SVN:
change tags -
Committed [1435214] to Plugins SVN:
upadated to 1.1.0 -
Committed [1435212] to Plugins SVN:
upadated featured image metabox -
Committed [1435209] to Plugins SVN:
Upadated Featured Image Metabox as more user-friendly. -
Committed [1435208] to Plugins SVN:
uploading icon and screenshots -
Committed [1434275] to Plugins SVN:
upadating minor changes -
Committed [1434273] to Plugins SVN:
Uploading stable version -
Committed [1434043] to Plugins SVN:
Fixing carousel item limitation -
Committed [1433909] to Plugins SVN:
upadating auto-play time and readme -
Committed [1433819] to Plugins SVN:
updating readme.txt info -
Committed [1433805] to Plugins SVN:
updating readme.txt and screenshots -
Committed [1433786] to Plugins SVN:
updating readme.txt -
Committed [1433780] to Plugins SVN:
Uploading banner -
Released a new plugin, Easy Owl Carousel
Committed [1433772] to Plugins SVN:
Uploadin Version 1.0