Created a topic, Ajuda para re-configuração status encomenda, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Bom dia, Já há algum tempo que o status do pagament… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce Not allowed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes resulted. was not selected. thanks And aAbout order status? -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce Not allowed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi About order status: https://snipboard.io/nprIlw.jpg 2022-09-07T15:56:02+00:00 DEBUG - MB WAY payment request created on IfthenPay… -
Posted a reply to Estado de pagamento não actualiza, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Boa tarde, Apos efetuar todos os passos, o estado continuou a não alterar. Apareceu esta… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce Not allowed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I used gateway Ifthenpay system for payment method and Paypal. My System Status: Ambiente… -
Created a topic, WooCommerce Not allowed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Boa tarde, Quando tento visualizar as vendas liquidas… -
Created a topic, Estado de pagamento não actualiza, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Boa tarde, Preciso de ajuda. foram feitas vendas com … -
Created a topic, Site lento imagens demoram muito a carregar e delay na entrada das páginas, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
Boa tarde, Necessito de ajuda, já fiz todas as optimi… -
Posted a reply to coupons – error in the value when there are products with different rates, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Are you referring to your tax rates? Yes -
Posted a reply to coupons – error in the value when there are products with different rates, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sorry, I can't share here. I couldn't find the system status ande logo error either.… -
Created a topic, coupons – error in the value when there are products with different rates, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, When I create a coupon in $, it only makes the co… -
Posted a reply to coupons – error in the value when there are products with different rates, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
thanks -
Created a topic, coupons – error in the value when there are products with different rates, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, When I create a coupon in $, it only makes the co… -
Created a topic, plugin is not sending recipient email with gift card code, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
When someone buys the gift card, they enter the email …