
  • Member Since: April 4th, 2020
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  • Created a topic, Inserting blocks using code, on the site Forums:
    I created a block in Reusable blocks (wp-admin/…

  • Posted a reply to In the details panel there is no item quantity selection, on the site Forums:
    Hi @c0nst It is not - there is no prohibition against helping with paid add-ons.…

  • Posted a reply to In the details panel there is no item quantity selection, on the site Forums:
    Hi @c0nst No, I'm talking about the free version of your plugin. You state that…

  • Posted a reply to In the details panel there is no item quantity selection, on the site Forums:
    Hi @c0nst I no longer remember what was on the site shown (the sandbox lives…

  • Posted a reply to Geolocation is disabled, but error 429 still appears, on the site Forums:
    Hello, @babylon1999 I caught that error again today. Query Monitor plugin report As you…

  • Posted a reply to Geolocation is disabled, but error 429 still appears, on the site Forums:
    Hello, @babylon1999 Catching the problem is not easy - the requests appear rarely, once every…

  • Posted a reply to Geolocation is disabled, but error 429 still appears, on the site Forums:
    Hi, @xue28 Thank you for your response. System status There are no fatal errors. There…

  • Created a topic, Geolocation is disabled, but error 429 still appears, on the site Forums:
    Hello. Geolocation is disabled, but still trying to c…

  • Created a topic, In the details panel there is no item quantity selection, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much for the great plugin. However, I r…

  • Posted a reply to Moving a shipping block to the “Billing details” form, on the site Forums:
    Hello @xue28 I used the suggested code in a neighboring topic. I was able to…

  • Posted a reply to Moving a shipping block to the “Billing details” form, on the site Forums:
    Hello @xue28 To move it under the country selection would be ideal. But any other…

  • Posted a reply to Moving a shipping block to the “Billing details” form, on the site Forums:
    Hello @babylon1999 No, there is no need to block anything. The place where the delivery…

  • Created a topic, Moving a shipping block to the “Billing details” form, on the site Forums:
    How on the checkout page can I move (or add) a shippin…

  • Posted a reply to Do woocommerce blocks not see get_the_terms?, on the site Forums:
    hi @margaretwporg Thank you for your attention to the problem and useful links. But I…

  • Created a topic, Do woocommerce blocks not see get_the_terms?, on the site Forums:
    There is a task - to display different suffixes after …

  • Posted a reply to Фильтр в плагине не срабатывает, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Спасибо больше, это помогло.

  • Posted a reply to Фильтр в плагине не срабатывает, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Я тоже так подумал и поэтому пробовал менять приоритеты, но толку нет. Приоритеты же для…

  • Created a topic, Фильтр в плагине не срабатывает, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Хочу удалить фильтр проверки целого числа в количестве…

  • Posted a reply to Шорткод с параметрами и свои функции, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Стоило написать на форум и с передачей решил. Надо было объявить глобальными внутри функции шорткода…

  • Posted a reply to Шорткод с массивом значений, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Спасибо, понял.

  • Posted a reply to Шорткод с параметрами и свои функции, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    По совету с другого ресурса использовать буферизацию и помощи Юрия в другом вопросе я составил…

  • Created a topic, Шорткод с массивом значений, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Подскажите пожалуйста как создать шорткод вида [myshor…

  • Created a topic, Шорткод с параметрами и свои функции, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    У меня есть саоя функция и темплейт, выводящий большой…