Committed [1564932] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshot updated -
Committed [1564882] to Plugins SVN:
Options added under BT Portfolio Setting. 1.Hide Portfolio Categories ... -
Committed [1562466] to Plugins SVN:
Display project description on small devices. -
Committed [1558003] to Plugins SVN:
Readme.txt updated -
Committed [1539789] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed slider max-height issue. -
Committed [1536141] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed more issues related to < PHP 5.5 -
Committed [1536121] to Plugins SVN:
Bug Fixed -
Committed [1536113] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected error for < PHP 5.5 for statements like empty(getimagesize() -
Committed [1535453] to Plugins SVN:
Updated contributors name in readme .txt -
Committed [1534121] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected error for < PHP 5.5 for statements like empty(getimagesize()). -
Committed [1530931] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshot updated of BT multi image portfolio plugin -
Committed [1530897] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of BT multi image portfolio plugin