Angel Aparicio
@angel_aparicio_gomez on
- Member Since: November 22nd, 2014
- Location: Seville, Spain
- Website:
- GitHub: angelaparicio
Contribution History
Angel Aparicio’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, Buen plugin y buen soporte, on the site Forums:
Una manera sencilla y rápida de tener traducida una we… -
Posted a reply to Problema malware (script de criptomonedas), on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola Raul, gracias, lo tendré en cuenta. Entiendo que tendría que exportar el contenido e… -
Created a topic, Problema malware (script de criptomonedas), on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, estoy intentando limpiar una web que parece tene… -
Created a topic, Cumple con la RGDP, on the site Forums:
Hay muchos plugins para cookies, pero este es el único… -
Committed [3190771] to Plugins SVN:
Fix readme -
Committed [3190770] to Plugins SVN:
Added bluesky -
Committed [3190648] to Plugins SVN:
Updated code to 6.7 -
Created a topic, Migrate information to another site, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have a blog with Yoast SEO. I want to export the… -
Created a topic, The total does not match, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have installed this plugin and it shows that the… -
Posted a reply to Site Health Status – autoloaded options could affect performance, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have installed this plugin and it shows that the total of autoloaded options… -
Created a topic, Solution to PHP Fatal Error with 1.0.2, on the site Forums:
I have update to 1.0.2 and my site has crashed. I f… -
Committed [3007645] to Plugins SVN:
Icons -
Committed [3007644] to Plugins SVN:
Icons -
Committed [3007643] to Plugins SVN:
Change tested up -
Committed [3007642] to Plugins SVN:
Change tested up -
Posted a reply to Error with Cron, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have updated and the error has disappeared.Thank you! -
Created a topic, Error with Cron, on the site Forums:
Hi, I am getting error warnings because of this plugin… -
Committed [2974620] to Plugins SVN:
First release -
Committed [2974619] to Plugins SVN:
First release -
Created a topic, SSL y seguridad básica, on the site Forums:
Plugín clásico para configurar de forma correcta la co… -
Created a topic, Gran herramienta, on the site Forums:
Una herramienta perfecta. La uso tanto para: - Hacer c… -
Created a topic, Funciona bien, on the site Forums:
Hace justo lo que se espera, guardar un registro de lo… -
Committed [2918107] to Plugins SVN:
Version 0.5 -
Committed [2918106] to Plugins SVN:
Version 0.5 -
Posted a reply to Añadir campo email en calcular envío, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola. ¿No os sale el correo electrónico? Ese campo debería salir en el formulario para… -
Posted a reply to No se muestran los post en el panel de control, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, ¡gracias! Al final borré los post de spam a través de una consulta SQL,… -
Posted a reply to Duda Novato Temas, Plugins y Versiones WP—Ayuda, on the site Foros de soporte:
Mmmm, en principio si un tema es compatible con una versión "mayor" (6.X) debería funcionar… -
Created a topic, Estadísticas sencillas sin usar cookies, on the site Forums:
Sistema de estadísticas muy sencillo. Me ofrece justo … -
Created a topic, No se muestran los post en el panel de control, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, estoy intentando limpiar una instalación de Word… -
Posted a reply to Duda Novato Temas, Plugins y Versiones WP—Ayuda, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, pues la respuesta es "depende del tema". Es posible que exista una versión actualizada… -
Created a topic, Ha funcionado donde otros no, on the site Forums:
Más sencillo de usar que otros plugins similares y me … -
Created a topic, Muy util, on the site Forums:
El mejor sistema para crear versiones de desarrollo o … -
Posted a reply to {{products.cart}} in template is not working, on the site Forums:
Thanks! I have checked the html. The merge tag was mixed with html code. Something… -
Created a topic, {{products.cart}} in template is not working, on the site Forums:
Hello, I am using the plugin successfully, the reminde… -
Posted a reply to Página no encontrada, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, la estructura /%postname%/%category%/ es poco habitual, la normal suele ser /%category%/%postname%/ Creo que lo… -
Posted a reply to Página no encontrada, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, ¿has probado a regenerar los enlaces permanentes? En Ajustes => Enlaces permanentes, dale a… -
Posted a reply to Activate only for some roles, on the site Forums:
Hi, my case of use is this. I am the administrator of a site. I… -
Created a topic, Activate only for some roles, on the site Forums:
Hi, great plugin! I would like to activate this plugin… -
Committed [2276444] to Plugins SVN:
Version number -
Committed [2276443] to Plugins SVN:
Added share text as config option -
Committed [2222984] to Plugins SVN:
Configuration page -
Posted a reply to no puedo entrar en mi blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
¿Has probado a entrar a través de conexión segura? Es decir, en vez de a:… -
Posted a reply to Cómo eliminar líneas de comandos visibles del blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
Puedes ocultar esos avisos de varias formas. Por ejemplo: De todas formas, lo recomendable… -
Posted a reply to Cómo mostrar web a cliente?, on the site Foros de soporte:
Lo más cómodo suele ser proteger la web con una contraseña para que solo sea… -
Created a topic, Trailing slash in canonical when the blog is in a subdirectory, on the site Forums:
I have a problem with the canonical URL for the home p… -
Committed [2142100] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 0.1 -
Committed [2142096] to Plugins SVN:
First version of Basic Sharer -
Posted a reply to Reminder emails, on the site Forums:
Ok, it was very easy. You need to filter by "unconfirmed" in the suscribers list -
Created a topic, Reminder emails, on the site Forums:
Hi, I see a template "Reminder emails" in the template… -
Created a topic, Excelent to resolve mail problems, on the site Forums:
I use Wp Mail Bank when I have problems with mail send…
Basic Portfolio
Active Installs: Less than 10
Basic Sharer
Active Installs: Less than 10