

During the day I am a datacenter manager for a Dutch managed hosting company and in my own time I love to build stuff in WordPress. 39 summers have past in my live and I hope to work with WordPress a lot more summers. People say they like it when I show them how to do stuff and I love it.
In all the years I worked with WordPress I never really got involved with the WordPress community but since a few months now I am following A WordPress podcast in the car to work and keep hearing about how cool the community is so I decided to check it out and hope to make some new WordPress friends.

WordPress Origin Story

After goofing around with Joomla for a while, I heard people talking about WordPress. The moment I installed my first WordPress website about 10 years ago I fell in love with it and started to learn. Now I cannot live without it.

  • Member Since: November 11th, 2012
  • Location: Alkmaar, Netherlands
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  • Posted a reply to Pop up builder samen met Gutenberg, on the site Support forums:
    Hoi Caesar, Zou je misschien je vraag iets kunnen verduidelijken. Wat werkt er niet?, krijg…

  • Posted a reply to (ghost)Spam gebruikers terwijl registreren uitstaat??, on the site Support forums:
    Als ik het zo lees zou ik je website een scannen op geïnfecteerde bestanden. Je…

  • Posted a reply to Verificatie is verlopen na invullen van formulier, on the site Support forums:
    Als ik kijk naar het Thema zie ik dat het een ouder thema is die…