@andrejcremoznik on, @crean on Slack
- Member Since: December 30th, 2011
Created a topic, Developer refuses to acknowledge issues, on the site Forums:
Plugin works fine for majority of users on shared host… -
Posted a reply to Writeable permission check doesn’t work correctly, on the site Forums:
I tracked this down through WP filesystem functions and PHP and found out that DISALLOW_FILE_MODS… -
Created a topic, Writeable permission check doesn’t work correctly, on the site Forums:
I have a file like this -rw-rw-r-- web:www-data ../..… -
Created a topic, Unmaintained, on the site Forums:
This plugin has been throwing errors, warnings and not… -
Wrote a comment on the post Block API Enhancements in WordPress 5.8, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Thanks for clarifying. The way this post is/was written it seems as if the server… -
Wrote a comment on the post Block API Enhancements in WordPress 5.8, on the site Make WordPress Core:
so in short, 1. do `register_block_type` in PHP giving it the dir with the `block.json`… -
Created ticket #52763 on Core Trac:
Relative CSS units used in front-end, absolute in block editor -
Posted a reply to How to i18n the URL slug for built in post type?, on the site Forums:
I've done some more testing and it seems I've misunderstood this feature for a long… -
Created a topic, How to i18n the URL slug for built in post type?, on the site Forums:
I want something like this: ` register_post_type('pos… -
Created a topic, Please adhere to Semver, on the site Forums:
Please use proper semantic versioning for releases. Us… -
Posted a reply to Stop abusing the admin_notices hook, on the site Forums:
Then limit it to your plugin's settings screen or make it dismissable for people who… -
Created a topic, PHP 7.2 – create_function is deprecated, on the site Forums:
The plugin uses create_function() which has been depre… -
Created a topic, Stop abusing the admin_notices hook, on the site Forums: Get this crap out of … -
Created a topic, Excellent plugin, on the site Forums:
It's always a delight when you find a piece of well wr… -
Created ticket #36198 on Core Trac:
wp_shortlink_wp_head should exit on non-singles and frontpage -
Created ticket #25458 on Core Trac:
Missing parenthesis in SQL syntax return wrong results