@ancawonka on, @anca on Slack
- Member Since: August 31st, 2007
- Location: Oakland, CA
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- GitHub: ammist
Contribution History
ancawonka’s badges:- Meetup Organizer
- Training Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Posted a reply to Google Fonts Broken after changing site URL, on the site Forums:
Putting this here for my future self... I did some digging in the database, and… -
Posted a reply to page slug has a -2 on the end, on the site Forums:
First, try resetting your permalinks. If that doesn't help, go into your media library and… -
Posted a reply to Redirecting user to another page on website, on the site Forums:
Sure. There are a lot of ways to do something like this, but it depends… -
Created a topic, Google Fonts Broken after changing site URL, on the site Forums:
I'm using WordPress 6.6.1, TwentyTwentyFour theme. I l… -
Created a topic, Good functionality, but overly-complicated UX, on the site Forums:
The very limited functionality in this free plugin doe… -
Closed ticket #56823 on Themes Trac:
THEME: GenLite – 1.4.1 -
Closed ticket #56779 on Themes Trac:
THEME: XoxoLite – 1.0.0 -
Posted a reply to User cannot edit profile after update, on the site Forums:
Me three. I worked on this w/ a small group earlier today. We tried adding… -
Created a topic, Programming question: using the built-in lightbox outside the product gallery, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I've build a theme to show images for each … -
Closed ticket #51580 on Themes Trac:
THEME: PureMag – 1.0.0 -
Closed ticket #51577 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Construction Biz – 1.0.2 -
Closed ticket #50949 on Themes Trac:
THEME: redsun – 1.4.2 -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp London, United Kingdom 2018
Created a topic, How can I disable Co-Authors plus on certain custom post types?, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I've got a custom post type (let's call it … -
Created a topic, Does what it says, but lacks reporting or information for customers, on the site Forums:
This review is based on testing the free and pro versi… -
Posted a reply to I see my new widget in the Widgets page, but not on the site, on the site Forums:
Hi @janburg. Make sure that the hook you're using (_before_header) actually gets triggered on the… -
Created a topic, Guest checkout vs. Products that require a login, on the site Forums:
On a site I'm developing, there are products (like boo… -
Posted a reply to Woocommerce gravity forms product addon – subtotal, options and total, on the site Forums:
@flyinjam, take a look at the documentation for the Gravity forms WooCommerce Addon - there… -
Posted a reply to Do all admin users need to separately connect Jetpack to, on the site Forums:
Thank you for confirming that, @jeherve. I reinstalled JetPack, and we reconnected with their org… -
Posted a reply to Do all admin users need to separately connect Jetpack to, on the site Forums:
Hi @jeherve I'm not the long-term admin for this website, so I don't want to… -
Posted a reply to Page Title Changes Unexpectedly, on the site Forums:
Hi @jelliott2014. When you rolled back to the previous version, were you still seeing the… -
Posted a reply to Custom Page Header Picture in HTTPS SIte is not displayed, on the site Forums:
It looks like you have some mixed-content issues on the https version of the page.… -
Posted a reply to Formatting messed up after migration – how to debug/fix?, on the site Forums:
You could set up an webserver username/passowrd (oldskool .htpasswd) and only allow people to view… -
Created a topic, Do all admin users need to separately connect Jetpack to, on the site Forums:
Hi there, My fellow developer and I just added Jetpac… -
Posted a reply to _S can’t get sidebar widget content to align., on the site Forums:
Hi @wpblonde. What tools are you using the style the site? Are you editing CSS… -
Posted a reply to styling plugin page like posts.php style, on the site Forums:
Take a look at the function WP_List_Table::prepare_items() - you need to add a method to… -
Posted a reply to Reset password mail give a wrong url, on the site Forums:
Have you tried deactivating all your plugins, and switching to a theme like Twentyseventeen? Do… -
Posted a reply to Page Title Changes Unexpectedly, on the site Forums:
Coller Pro is a third-party theme, so you should ask in that theme's support forums.… -
Posted a reply to styling plugin page like posts.php style, on the site Forums:
Hi @saeb Are you able to display the entries in a different way (e.g. in… -
Posted a reply to Create column mysql in wp_posts, on the site Forums:
Have you looked at the wp_term, wp_term_taxonomy and wp_term_relationships tables? Are you using native WordPress… -
Posted a reply to styling plugin page like posts.php style, on the site Forums:
Do you want people to be able to edit those entries, or just see the… -
Posted a reply to Category problem., on the site Forums:
Hi @dzkmg You need to set up hierarchical categories if you want to be able… -
Posted a reply to Can’t view log file, on the site Forums:
Hi @alexanderfoxc I fixed the issue - there was another plugin taking over the wp_mail… -
Created a topic, Can’t view log file, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I'm trying to configure Easy WP SMTP on a s… -
Posted a reply to Yet Another SMTP Connect Error, on the site Forums:
Hi @dkwolpert The username and password need to belong to an account that can get… -
Created a topic, Lightweight and helpful, but missing some key features., on the site Forums:
If you're using a vanilla WordPress install without cu… -
Created a topic, What is the gear supposed to do?, on the site Forums:
When inserting or editing blocks using Gutenberg, a li… -
Posted a reply to Show last edit user in post, on the site Forums:
To show the name of the last editor in the post list, you need to… -
Posted a reply to Hook callback anonymous functions, on the site Forums:
If you are doing this in a plugin or theme that someone else might use,… -
Posted a reply to How to set up a website to receive orders and invoicing, on the site Forums:
Steve, that plugin looks great. I've been using a Gravity Forms + Payment Gateway plugin… -
Posted a reply to Custom Entry-Meta Content?, on the site Forums:
@ijeremymorris, what theme are you using? The answer to your question is yes. However, the… -
Posted a reply to Using widget in two sidebar areas on same page, on the site Forums:
Hi @giddymoon, The custom CSS depends on where you're including your second widget, so this… -
Posted a reply to Link the_post_thumbnail to next custom post, on the site Forums:
Have you tried wrapping a link tag around your image, to make it clickable, like… -
Posted a reply to Published Post not showing on home or menu, on the site Forums:
An additional data point: I just went to the homepage in question, and the Kid-Friendly… -
Posted a reply to Product gallery images do not show after upgrade, on the site Forums:
There were quite a few changed between WooCommerce 1.6.6 and 2.6.14, as well as between… -
Posted a reply to Set related products according to current product category, on the site Forums:
What theme are you using? There are several ways in which you could customize your… -
Posted a reply to SKU Sorting – How do you put “10” AFTER “9”?, on the site Forums:
How are you getting your list of products and sorting by SKU in the first… -
Posted a reply to comments_open(), on the site Forums:
The comments_option function returns TRUE if it gets a post_id parameter for a post where… -
Posted a reply to Mobile Menu CSS not loading, on the site Forums:
How did you create the formatting on your local install? Did you transfer the CSS… -
Posted a reply to Newsletter/ RSS, who to use? Feedburner vs Mail Chimp others, on the site Forums:
I use Mailchimp, primarily because that was I can format my newsletter and control it…
Admin Columns
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce
BU Versions
Cache Images
Client Invoicing by Sprout Invoices - Easy Estimates and Invoices for WordPress
Co-Authors Plus
Color Palette Generator
Debug Bar
Display Posts - Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
Duplicator - Migration & Backup Plugin
Easy Digital Downloads – eCommerce Payments and Subscriptions made easy
Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades
Edit Flow
Editorial Calendar
Hierarchical Pages Widget
Import and export users and customers
List category posts
Max Mega Menu
Media Library Assistant
Meteor Slides
Multisite Global Search
Network Plugin Auditor
Participants Database
Plainview Activity Monitor
Posts 2 Posts
Professional Social Sharing Buttons, Icons & Related Posts - Shareaholic
Profile CCT
PublishPress Permissions: Control User Access for Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags
PublishPress Revisions: Duplicate Posts, Submit, Approve and Schedule Content Changes
Secure Custom Fields
Simple Custom CSS Plugin
Simple customize
Simple Lightbox
Simple Social Icons
Smush Image Optimization – Optimize Images | Compress & Lazy Load Images | Convert WebP | Image CDN
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
Solr for WordPress
Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy
The Future Is Now
Timely All-in-One Events Calendar
Timetable and Event Schedule by MotoPress
Transients Manager
Ultimate Member – User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin
User Role Editor
Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security
WP Migrate Lite - WordPress Migration Made Easy
WP Super Cache