

She is a neuroplastic therapist, researcher and creator of the technique for restructuring atemporal memories, known as REMA technique. She has a degree as a teacher from the Escuela Modelo de Castelar, Buenos Aires, Professor of music education at the Conservatory Julian Aguirre, of Morón, Buenos Aires. Her studies in this field developed methods to accelerate the learning process in children from 3 to 7 of age, based on physical work with the body. She studied philosophy at the University of Morón, Faculty of Arts, and psychology at the Catholic University of Argentina. She made a 3 years residence in the psychiatric clinic Dr. Gregorio Marañón, under the tutelage of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Nicolás De Felice, where was devoted to the study of personality disorders, psychosis and neurosis. She worked with schizophrenic patients with movements and rhythms, addressing processes of learning and creation. She subsequently studied applied kinesiology in the United States, and was devoted to the implementation of cutting edge alternative therapies especially in the United States and Europe.
In another aspect, she studied self-expression dance with Patricia Stokoe in Buenos Aires, body expression in the Escuela de Arte Dramatico of Bogotá, Colombia, and in the Escuela Nacional de Teatro in Mexico DF. She also belonged to working groups and movements (also called sacred dances) of Gurdjief, of the Fourth Way. These disciplines formed her within the movement of the body which was later incorporated into her therapies.
Her contact and development in the discipline of the mind has a great master, Dr. Arya, Swami Veda Bharati of the tradition of the Himalaya and Swami Rama, for whom she is institutional representative in Spain.
As Fine Artist travelled around the world between 1996 and 2005, visiting 53 countries, and as International Affairs Special Representative for Friends of the United Nations, formed the peace action groups (GAP) in several countries. She was part of the IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), winner of the Nobel Prize for peace in 1985 under the chairmanship of the doctors René Brasquet and Bernard Lown (inventor of the defibrillator and cardiologist of President Ronald Reagan).

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