Created a topic, Annonstext i sidhuvudet, on the site Svensk support:
Det ligger en annonstext längst upp startsidan som jag… -
Posted a reply to Varför syns inte den utvalda bilden i admin?, on the site Svenska:
Hejsan, Av bilden att döma verkar du redigera i den "klassiska redigerare". Stämmer det? -Japp… -
Posted a reply to Varför syns inte den utvalda bilden i admin?, on the site Svenska:
/Users/Torbjorns_iMac/Dropbox/Screenshots/Skärmavbild 2021-05-06 kl. 15.42.52.png -
Created a topic, Varför syns inte den utvalda bilden i admin?, on the site Svenska:
I min admin syns inte den "utvalda bilden". Det har de… -
Created a topic, Nofollow doesn’t add, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have just installed WP External Links add-on and hav… -
Posted a reply to massredigering -bulk edit, on the site Svenska:
Hej Tor-björn, Tack för ditt svar. Det var som jag misstänkte alltså; att det inte… -
Created a topic, massredigering -bulk edit, on the site Svenska:
Jag undrar hur man skall göra föra att ta bort en kate… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
What do you need to be able to check this? -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This is a link to an image in my media library. https://media.torbjornstips.se/2020/12/Polarkakorna-svalnar-pa-gallret-scaled.jpg -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Is it this one? https://media.torbjornstips.se -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
https://torbjornstips.se/wp-admin/upload.php mfh/Torbjörn -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi again, Galleries up to 2019-10-15 works perfectly but from 2019-07-24 it shows not clickable… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I tried both https and leaving the field blank. Leaving it blank caused the… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi again, Are the addresses ok in "Settings/media"? Please see encl. screenshot. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ic5qe0wiwjlc6d/Sk%C3%A4rmavbild%202020-11-22%20kl.%2011.06.02.png?dl=0 mfh/Torbjörn -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi again Elvis, Both addresses are ”https://torbjornstips.se”so it seems like this isn’t the problem or… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
FooGallery version : 1.9.37 WordPress version : 5.5.3 Activated Theme : MH Magazine WordPress URL… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Elvis, I have done as you suggested but with no result. All the plugins… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Could you please advise me how to correct this? I’m no hacker as you probably… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi again @bradvin Now it shows: Thumbnail generation test ran successfully. -But the thumbnails still… -
Posted a reply to Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @bradvin I did that but there is no difference. example: https://torbjornstips.se/lattlagad-fredagsmeny-veckans-hojdpunkt/ mfh/Torbjörn -
Created a topic, Foogallery not generating thumbnails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I run WP 5.5.3 and FooGallery does no longer work… -
Created a topic, Fast but not furious…, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I got a fast reply and a css solution to my issue. Th… -
Created a topic, underhålls tillägg, on the site Svenska:
Jag har en ny hemsida under uppbyggnad och installerad… -
Posted a reply to Förhandsvisningen försvinner efter någon sekund, on the site Svenska:
Hej igen, Jag fick god hjälp av Loopias support. Det var ett tillägg som spökade.… -
Posted a reply to Förhandsvisningen försvinner efter någon sekund, on the site Svenska:
Hej igen, Nu har jag laddat ner och aktiverat "Health Check". Jag klickade igång "felsökningsläget"… -
Created a topic, Förhandsvisningen försvinner efter någon sekund, on the site Svenska:
Hejsan, När jag klickar på "anpassa" för att att an… -
Posted a reply to Olika bilder i olika vyer, on the site Svenska:
Hej igen Tor-Björn, Det dök upp ett helt annat problem som jag undrar över. Jag… -
Created a topic, Olika bilder i olika vyer, on the site Svenska:
Hejsan, Går det att använda olika bilder i olika wi… -
Created a topic, Images rotated in some browsers, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I write my posts on my mac and rotate all images right…