Love Your Support
@advisant on
- Member Since: March 21st, 2017
- Location: Nashville
- Website:
- Job Title: Developer
- Employer: Advisant Group
Committed [1757242] to Plugins SVN:
Added back order history sync -
Committed [1734506] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme -
Committed [1731824] to Plugins SVN:
bumping up version -
Committed [1731822] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed event api verification endpoint -
Committed [1718054] to Plugins SVN:
Updated segments/searches Reduced bulk order sync to 500 -
Committed [1689602] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixed -
Committed [1678885] to Plugins SVN:
icon changes -
Committed [1678878] to Plugins SVN:
change images and adding features -
Committed [1677436] to Plugins SVN:
init images -
Committed [1677433] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixed -
Committed [1677214] to Plugins SVN:
init modify -
Committed [1677183] to Plugins SVN:
init commit