Committed [3200881] to Plugins SVN:
修复设置保存报错问题 -
Committed [3200879] to Plugins SVN:
修复设置保存报错问题 -
Committed [3200487] to Plugins SVN:
处理订单文章类型无效问题 -
Committed [3199797] to Plugins SVN:
完善quiz提交后显示答案的逻辑 -
Committed [3199235] to Plugins SVN:
修复阿里云视频点播上传问题 -
Committed [3198918] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号 -
Committed [3198657] to Plugins SVN:
获取课程价格需要先判断收费类型 -
Committed [3198621] to Plugins SVN:
测验组件,参考答案显示错误 -
Committed [3198613] to Plugins SVN:
完善开发日志 -
Committed [3198592] to Plugins SVN:
增加测验组件的文档链接 -
Committed [3198535] to Plugins SVN:
增加测验组件的文档链接 -
Committed [3198533] to Plugins SVN:
增加测验组件的文档链接 -
Committed [3198527] to Plugins SVN:
升级1.9.21 -
Translated 8 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3198526] to Plugins SVN:
升级1.9.21 -
Committed [3198265] to Plugins SVN:
tag1.9.20 测验组件 -
Committed [3195747] to Plugins SVN:
代码调整优化,清理一些没用代码 -
Translated 2 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3195743] to Plugins SVN:
代码调整优化,清理一些没用代码 -
Committed [3191383] to Plugins SVN:
微信支付 -
Committed [3189624] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号 -
Committed [3189536] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号 -
Committed [3189290] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号 -
Committed [3189153] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号 -
Committed [3189152] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号6.7兼容性 -
Committed [3189146] to Plugins SVN:
更新版本号 -
Committed [3189144] to Plugins SVN:
6.7兼容性 -
Committed [3189141] to Plugins SVN:
tag1.9.19 -
Committed [3182760] to Plugins SVN:
v1.9.19 -
Committed [3182458] to Plugins SVN:
自定义课程筛选分类功能 -
Committed [3182449] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.9.18 -
Committed [3179792] to Plugins SVN:
修复虎皮椒支付问题 -
Committed [3177628] to Plugins SVN:
修正时长计算问题 -
Committed [3175915] to Plugins SVN:
* New: 课时页面动态水印. * Optimize: 课程表页面. * Optimize: Course Progress ... -
Committed [3175894] to Plugins SVN:
* New: 课时页面动态水印. * Optimize: 课程表页面. * Optimize: Course Progress ... -
Translated 3 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3175792] to Plugins SVN:
修复一些问题,优化操作 -
Committed [3172993] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.9.17 -
Committed [3170733] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.9.17 -
Committed [3170398] to Plugins SVN:
* New: 增加设置选项,管理员无需购买课程. * Optimize: Exchange Code add-on. * Fix: Some ... -
Translated 3 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3170207] to Plugins SVN:
* New: 增加设置选项,管理员无需购买课程. * Optimize: Exchange Code add-on. * Fix: Some ... -
Committed [3170204] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.9.16 -
Committed [3168121] to Plugins SVN:
腾讯云点播导入课时时间有小数问题 -
Committed [3167590] to Plugins SVN:
试看按钮样式问题 -
Committed [3167390] to Plugins SVN:
BunnyNet支持令牌认证 -
Committed [3165340] to Plugins SVN:
课程内容中有 时,分享功能异常问题 -
Committed [3165077] to Plugins SVN:
经典主题课程页面样式问题 -
Translated 6 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3164971] to Plugins SVN:
* New: The color options of Course page. * New: 支持七牛云实时转码(边转边播). * ...
Video and Audio Player for Wordpress - Mine CloudVod LMS
Active Installs: 300+
Completed Courses
Total completed courses: 1
- Part 3: Advanced Site Design using the Site Editor* November 14, 2022
- *Course is no longer available.
简体中文 (Chinese (China)) Plugins Translation Editor - #zh_CN
Video and Audio Player for WordPress – Mine CloudVod LMS
Active Installs: 300+