
  • Member Since: May 14th, 2008
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Setting own manifest gone, on the site Forums:
    I need that setting too to integrate SuperPWA with OneSignal.

  • Posted a reply to Bug: Hashtags not working for german umlauts, on the site Forums:
    This change will solve it... file: instagram-slider-widget/includes/class-wis_instagram_slider.php Line 776 $caption = preg_replace( '/\#([\p{L}\p{N}]+)/iu', '&nbsp;<a href="$1/"…

  • Created a topic, Bug: Hashtags not working for german umlauts, on the site Forums:
    I think the regular expression for displaying instragr…

  • Committed [662207] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.2.1

  • Committed [662206] to Plugins SVN:
    Siehe Changelog du Feudel

  • Committed [649186] to Plugins SVN:
    Siehe Changelog du Feudel

  • Committed [649184] to Plugins SVN:
    Siehe Changelog du Feudel

  • Committed [649183] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.2.0

  • Committed [649176] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.2.0

  • Committed [614515] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.1.3-1

  • Committed [614514] to Plugins SVN:
    Siehe Changelog homie

  • Committed [614468] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.1.3

  • Committed [614467] to Plugins SVN:
    utf-8 kompatibele regex - long live unicode

  • Committed [609613] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.1.2

  • Committed [609612] to Plugins SVN:
    Neue Option zum Filtern von Podcasts und mehr.

  • Committed [606882] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.1.0-1

  • Committed [606881] to Plugins SVN:
    Bug im Cache-System behoben, trolololol!

  • Committed [606566] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.1.0

  • Committed [606565] to Plugins SVN:
    Neue notwendige Funktionen und Wuensche umgesetzt, bro!

  • Committed [604015] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.9

  • Committed [604014] to Plugins SVN:
    HOTFIX weil das XML vom Kraehennest buggy ist!

  • Committed [601661] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.8

  • Committed [601660] to Plugins SVN:
    Umstellung auf SimplePie_File und diverse Bugs und Kleinigkeiten

  • Committed [600619] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.7

  • Committed [600617] to Plugins SVN:
    PHP type juggeling foo und eine warning behoben

  • Committed [600404] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.6

  • Committed [600403] to Plugins SVN:
    Cachedir pflegbar, Systemtests und mehr

  • Committed [600070] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.5

  • Committed [600069] to Plugins SVN:
    Kleinen Bug im XML Reader gefixt

  • Committed [599996] to Plugins SVN:
    Ich war zu doof das SVN zu bedienenen :/

  • Committed [599995] to Plugins SVN:
    Ich war zu doof das SVN zu bedienenen :/

  • Committed [599992] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.4

  • Committed [599991] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.4

  • Committed [599990] to Plugins SVN:
    Ich war zu doof das SVN zu bedienenen :/

  • Committed [599987] to Plugins SVN:
    Screenshots, Typo

  • Committed [599986] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.3

  • Committed [599985] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.3

  • Committed [599984] to Plugins SVN:
    Screenshots, Typo

  • Committed [599968] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.2

  • Committed [599966] to Plugins SVN:

  • Committed [599950] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.1

  • Committed [599949] to Plugins SVN:

  • Committed [599945] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.0.1

  • Committed [599944] to Plugins SVN:

  • Committed [599933] to Plugins SVN:
    Adding first version of my plugin

  • Committed [144704] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 0.99beta4

  • Committed [144703] to Plugins SVN:
    Fixed JS problem with IE 6 and IE 7, nasty browser...

  • Committed [137447] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 0.99beta3

  • Committed [137446] to Plugins SVN:
    JavaScript will now not be added to feed, an image with link instead.

  • Committed [131719] to Plugins SVN:
    Tagging 1.12.1