

WordPress Enthusiast. Blogging Mentor. Witchy Mom-Preneur. Coffee Fiend! Founder of Blogging with Gypsy. High Craft-ess of Crafting with Gypsy. Head Chatterbox of Coffee with Gypsy. Author of the Blogsite Planning Guide that helps you transform your chaotic web presence into organized perfection so you can move forward in your business relaxed and stress free. Sign up here! Connect with Gypsy ~ Google+ | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram


blogging, WordPress, web/graphic design, scrapbooking, reading, writing, social media, WP theme customizations, HTML & CSS, PHP, sewing, crocheting, candle making

  • Member Since: October 23rd, 2011
  • Location: Spokane WA
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Owner, Founder, Commander in Chief, CEO
  • Employer: Blogging withGypsy
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