
  • Member Since: January 14th, 2012
  • Location: tempe
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  • Posted a reply to genesis blocks cagegories, on the site Forums:
    I am not looking to add posts in a category, I want to add a…

  • Created a topic, tag cloud, on the site Forums:
    can you add a feature similar to (tag cloud) but for p…

  • Created a topic, genesis blocks cagegories, on the site Forums:
    I don't see an option to add categories to a page in a…

  • Created a topic, cannot remove content in category archive page, on the site Forums:
    I want to display only the title on the archive page b…

  • Created a topic, hard to customize blocks, on the site Forums:
    poorly written plugin, blocks are hard to customize, I…

  • Posted a reply to a few problems, on the site Forums:
    you need a hyphen in the page title "‐" it needs to display like this…

  • Created a topic, a few problems, on the site Forums:
    Hello, A few problems that I found in SEO framework, A…

  • Created a topic, beware!, on the site Forums:
    everything has changed from version 3.3 vs 3.4, I can …

  • Created a topic, black screen, on the site Forums:
    Hello, smart slider 3. Why am I seeing a black backg…

  • Created a topic, structured data not found, on the site Forums:
    social profile Facebook page not found "We couldn't f…

  • Created a topic, security risk, on the site Forums:
    I get tons of fake ( spam ) registrations

  • Created a topic, create variations that is not required, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to create variations that are not depen…

  • Created a topic, admin login page logo link, on the site Forums:
    the link on the logo on the wp-admin page is linked to…

  • Created a topic, Prices entered with tax, on the site Forums:
    is there a way to change "Prices entered with tax" to …

  • Created a topic, eth tokens, on the site Forums:
    what is the process for adding ethereum tokens wallet?…

  • Created a topic, need update for wp 5.3, on the site Forums:
    the icon does now show when creating a post in WordPre…

  • Created a topic, [crosswordsearch] cannot create crossword posts, on the site Forums:
    in WordPress 5.3 there is no option to create crosswor…

  • Created a topic, [Affiliates Manager] spam registration, on the site Forums:
    I am getting a lot of spam affiliate registration, How…

  • Created a topic, [All In One WP Security & Firewall] full of bugs, on the site Forums:
    At the checkout page in woo-commerce I click “cr…

  • Created a topic, Child theme does not work, stretch images, on the site Forums:
    I created a child theme but the images are stretched a…

  • Created a topic, customize result page, on the site Forums:
    can each question have it's own page / slide? also can…

  • Created a topic, post tags support, on the site Forums:
    how can I display posts tags? this plugin only support…

  • Posted a reply to remove storefront post meta does not work, on the site Forums:
    full code function remove_blog_meta() { remove_action('storefront_loop_post', 'storefront_post_meta', 20); } add_action('init', 'remove_blog_meta', 20);

  • Created a topic, remove storefront post meta does not work, on the site Forums:
    remove_action( 'storefront_single_post', 'storefront_p…

  • Posted a reply to Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities, on the site Forums:
    well of course the files in the screen shot are not part of your plugin,…

  • Created a topic, Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to Remove category link from post meta, on the site Forums:
    Using css is not the proper way to do it, using css will only hide…

  • Created ticket #44527 on Core Trac:
    Remove /category/ from url if Category base field in permalinks is empty

  • Created a topic, please add to core!!, on the site Forums:
    it is important that this plugin is added to core, add…

  • Created a topic, its ok but with a few bugs, on the site Forums:
    Why does the recipe categories show up in posts catego…

  • Created a topic, not work as expedted, on the site Forums:
    there are a few things that need to be fixed, otherwis…

  • Created a topic, not working as expected, on the site Forums:
    there are some bugs that need to be ironed out and doe…

  • Posted a reply to SOAP Error: Bad Request, on the site Forums:
    this is related to php 5.6 and self signed ssl certificates

  • Created a topic, not compatible with security plugin, on the site Forums:
    can you make sure wp-ipsconfig is compatible with secu…

  • Created a topic, SOAP Error: Bad Request, on the site Forums:
    why am I getting "ISPConfig SOAP Request failed: Bad R…

  • Posted a reply to ispconfig menu not loading, on the site Forums:
    I know whats causing it... it has something to do with the code below that…

  • Created a topic, ispconfig menu not loading, on the site Forums:
    When I activate the plugin the menu is not loading, th…

  • Created a topic, not working like advertised, on the site Forums:
    i just delete it after frustration

  • Created a topic, [WC Vendors] add menu item, on the site Forums:
    how can I place an menu item in the vendor dashboard b…

  • Created a topic, [WC Vendors] redirect to signup form, on the site Forums:
    can users be redirected to the signup form for wc vend…

  • Created ticket #26719 on Core Trac:
    Maximum upload file size: 0KB

  • Created ticket #25211 on Core Trac:
    change to mysqli_connect

  • Created ticket #11505 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Sandy Beach - 1.0.1

  • Created ticket #11468 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Sandy Beach - 1.0